The Upper Springfield Development Company Ltd Action on Disability Project would like to extend our warmest thanks to Helen Savage, her family and friends for raising £750 through a charity sponsored walk at Shaw’s Bridge.
Ann-Marie McCormick, Programme Manager for the Action on Disability Project said, "We are greatly appreciative, without the support from families we would not be able to offer a range of services for children, young people and adults with disabilities living in West Belfast". She said "we would like to pay particular thanks to Helen Savage, for taking the time to organise the event and for rallying her family and friends together".
Helen Savage, parent and event organiser said "It was a privilege to be involved in such a worth while cause, we all enjoyed the walk and the money raised went a long way in helping us to forget about the sore feet and blisters".
The money raised will go towards sustaining the Action on Disability Project services.
For further information please contact the Action on Disability Project at the Upper Springfield Development Company Ltd on 028 90 236677.